KMSchool Vision of a 21st Century Learner
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in Khalsa Montessori School (KMSchool). What is your vision of a 21st century school? If the following outcomes align with what you want for your child, please visit us.
Students develop a life long love for learning and the skill to do it effectively. Alvin Toffler, an eminent futurologist, has offered, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”.
Their collaboration is not limited to their classroom. They are networked across the world with students in other schools and with people of all walks of the society.
They develop empathy for different people, different cultures, and different faiths.
Inspired and disciplined from within, students direct their own learning path.
Students learn responsibility by contributing to the community just as adults do. In doing so, they become caring for each other, the environment, and our institutions.
Students develop their moral compass grounded in their parental faith. They do this not in segregation but in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-faith environment that makes them respectful of differences.
They work well in teams to co-create solutions.
They can synthesize information from myriad sources, analyze it, critique it and edit it.