Our goal is to provide an atmosphere and learning environment that is safe, supportive and nurturing for each student. The code established for the students attending the school will not inhibit their natural creativity and social growth.There is a strict code of conduct, which includes no hitting, kicking, biting, scratching and/or fighting. Also, appropriate language must be used at all times. Respect when speaking to teachers, students and any adult is mandatory.
In managing the children’s behaviour, under no circumstances will the teachers:
- use corporal punishment on a child (e.g., slapping, kicking, punching, pushing, grabbing, pulling, spanking, ear pulling, biting, etc.)
- use deliberate harsh or degrading measures on a child that would humiliate the child or undermine his or her self-respect
- engage in emotional abuse, name-calling, shaming, making derogatory remarks or humiliating a child
- deprive a child of basic needs including food, shelter, clothing or bedding
- use a locked or lockable room or structure to confine a child who has been withdrawn from other children
- shout or yell at a child
- threaten a child by saying that negative reports will be given to their parents
- compare one child to another
- send the child out of the classroom, out of teachers’ view
Disruptive Behaviour Policy
When excessive disruptive behavior occurs at the school, the following procedures are enforced:
1. The first occurrence will result in a conversation with the child and/or parent to discuss expected behavior and an incident report will go home to the parents.
2. The second incident of disruptive behavior will result in the parents being called in for a conference to go over expected behavior and/or required to pick up the child.
3. The third time the child engages in the behavior, the parents are called and the child is required to leave school for the day.
4. At the fourth disruptive event, the parents are asked to get behavior counseling for the child and family. A letter is required from the counselor notifying the school that the counseling process has started. Once the counseling starts, a behavior plan must be submitted immediately.
If your child instigates what is considered dangerous behavior, for the safety of all staff and students, we will go directly to step 4.
Note: When a parent is called to pick up their child, we require the child be picked up within one hour.