If a child is injured at school, the parents are called immediately. If we cannot reach parents, the persons listed on the Emergency Contact List are contacted. It is extremely important that we have received accurate information filled out in the enrollment application. PLEASE KEEP THIS INFORMATION UPDATED.
Your assistance in providing complete information on the Emergency Card is greatly appreciated. In order to be prepared for such emergencies, please notify us of any changes on your child’s emergency card, especially changes in address, home, work or cell phone numbers, etc.
Procedures for life threatening emergencies require the school staff to respond in the following sequence:
All phones throughout the school post emergency phone numbers.
- One staff member will stay with the injured or ill child, and take appropriate steps for the injury/ illness (CPR, First Aid, etc.
- The child’s teacher or available staff member will call 911, describe the situation, give our location and phone number and stay on the line until the dispatcher has indicated that they have all the necessary information. If possible, one staff member will stand outside to meet the emergency team.
- A staff member will gather the child’s file and have it available for use.
- A staff member will contact the parents/guardians as soon as emergency care has been obtained.
- The staff member will determine how and where the parent would like their child to receive medical care.
- Transportation to a care facility is arranged through the rescue team or the parent. The school will not be responsible for transporting the child in an emergency.
- A staff member will accompany the child and stay with the child until the parent arrives. An accident report is completed and signed by the staff member on duty and a copy is sent to the MCYS immediately. One copy of the accident report is given to the parents and one copy is kept in the child’s file at school.
- In the event that the parents cannot be contacted, the emergency contacts located on the child’s emergency card will be contacted. Parents are expected to update emergency information and availability quarterly.
Minor Emergencies:
In the case of minor emergencies such as small cuts, bruises, strains or bumps, the following procedure is used:
- A staff member trained in first aid will take appropriate steps.
- An Accident Report form and/or a head injury form is completed by the staff member and kept in the medical logbook and a copy is provided to the parent.
- All incidents are recorded in the student’s log. Information to be included: date, time, and details of injury, action taken/treatment given and the staff member’s signature.
- Head injuries are reported to the parents on a head injury form.
- All injuries are discussed with the Director regarding whether the parents will be notified immediately or when the child is picked up. If the parent is called, the time of the call and conversation are documented.
Accidental Poisonings:
If the child is experiencing any acute physical distress follow the steps under “Emergency Procedures”.
- If a non-emergency, the Director or staff member will call the Poison Control Center at 1-800 268-9017 immediately.
- Instructions given by the Poison Control official are followed.
- The remainder of the poisonous material is saved for proper identification.
- The parents of the child are contacted as soon as possible.
- The incident is recorded in the student’s log and reported to the MCYS if the situation warrants.
- SYRYP OR IPECAC is not given unless instructed by 911 or Poison Control.