GRADES 1 – 6


Elementary development years mark a great transformation in the child. The child wants to explore society and the world, to learn what is right and wrong, and to explore meaningful roles in society. The Elementary Directress helps the child discover the answers to the BIG questions. While the children do get individual lessons in all academic areas, they are guided to develop direction and methods of their own research. The whole world is opened up to them to explore in a safe environment. “Going-outs” are encouraged where a child or a small group of children arrange to leave the classroom to learn more about a topic they have been studying in the classroom. Academically, the children surpass the expectations of the Ontario Curriculum while developing valuable soft skills in organizational, time management and networking skills. Some of the academic areas are:


Elementary students are in the mind frame of reasoning and are interested in understanding what makes up language, their relationships and their purpose. Montessori language curriculum includes word study: antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, root words and compound) as we explain that words are similar to living entities; they are born, grow, evolve and give birth to other words, form families. Montessori language material isolates the main teaching so the child can solely focus on one part of speech at a time. The grammar boxes are presented in the same manner that the child learns how to speak beginning with the noun (person, place or thing). Later, the child begins to learn sentence analysis which allows critical thinking with manipulative which allow the child to explore. Reading of every kind is strongly encouraged within Montessori language as creative writing, poetry and novel studies are present within the curriculum.


Mathematics in Montessori is a complete sensorial experience through all ages. Maria Montessori quotes “what the hand does the mind remembers”. As the child touches the material they gain full control and begin to perceive size, quality and patterning. Students’ develop from concrete manipulation of materials to abstract memorization of the concept which accommodate for each child’s unique learning style.

History and Geography

Cultural studies allow children to tie together how everything is interrelated and to understand where their place is in the universe. Geography is the study of man and how humans live and how humans have created a functional society. Children begin by understanding who they are and where they came from through the use of maps, continents, animals and traditions from different countries that are being learned. History begins by understanding the concept of time and this is learned through calendars, timelines and charts. Geography and History are open ended subjects and we must leave room for children to explore so they can discover and develop their own interests and inspire them to learn more about the world that they live in.

Zoology and Botany

Botany and Zoology are understood by hands on experiments and real life care of the plants and animals that are present in the classroom. Children are encouraged to be outdoors and to connect with nature to fully understand the science of animals and plants and bring this subject to life. Not only does having an animal in the classroom bring excitement and fascination to the child it also allows children to develop a sense of responsibility, respect for living creatures and valuable social skills. Students are responsible for taking care of the various types of plants in the classroom as they are to water, repot and make flower arrangements. For the child to resonate with botany and how it connects with them the directress must make it real as possible and this can be done by bringing in real fruits and vegetables and studying it more in depth.